In a poetic dance film set in a utopian world, six barefoot dancers move through nature with a desire for freedom and movement. Their world collapses in the face of a horrific event at a music festival. They become a symbol of pain and memory, raising questions about freedom, unity, and humanity.
Written by Tom Appelbaum
Directed & Choreographed by Tom Appelbaum & Adi Gortler
Cinematography, Editing and Colour by Omri Dagan
Produced by Omri Dagan & Sophie Max
Phoebe Silver
Darcie Chazen
Samuel Adebayo
Valerie Lim
Kachal Blumer
Ethan Atkinson
Producer - Sophie Max
Camera Operator - Omri Dagan
1st A.C - Dimi Vakrilov
2nd A.C - Madhuni Alahakoon
BTS/ P.A - Lakruwan Rajapaksha
Original Soundtrack - Eyal Arad
Sound Designer & Dialogue Editor - Grace Averbuch
Costume Designer - Adi Gortler
Associate Producer - Nicole Lieberman